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Application Form

 Timeline: Level 6: Monday 26th February 2024 –  Monday 15th July 2024


  • Become a high-quality leader within a subject specialism and ensure that your school is at the cutting edge of excellence within Physical Education

  • Teacher time-friendly qualification that meets degree standard


The Qualifications and Outcomes


This is a physical education qualification for QTS educational professionals developed by the Association for Physical Education and accredited by the Leadership Skills Foundation (formerly Sports Leaders UK). This nationally recognised qualification builds upon the knowledge and skills attained at Level 5, advancing on to a detailed, secure understanding of high-quality leadership and management of physical education curriculum within primary schools. On successful completion of this qualification, delegates will be able to advocate, articulate and lead physical education within a myriad of ways that subsequently impact upon whole school improvement and community subject profiling.


In depth coverage of the characteristics and functions of the role of an outstanding PE leader will include exploring subject pedagogy and demonstration of effective strategies to enhance the quality of such areas as auditing; action planning; recognising and leading upon improvements in teaching & learning and managing purposeful, mutually beneficial monitoring support. Delegates will also attain an enriched understanding of the attributes that PE has to offer wider school improvement and with the tool kit of approaches to deliver successfully. Delegates who haven’t completed the level 5 certificate in PE specialism, or who do not carry QTS, can still access this course as a CPD opportunity.



Why Participate and What are the Benefits?


  • Guaranteed to further enhance delegates’ confidence, competence and PE subject knowledge

  • The qualifications will be an effective use of the primary physical education and school sport premium funding in addressing the goal of continuous professional development. All costs (including any supply cover) are fundable via this ringfenced grant for schools.

  • The course will utilise regional expertise so as to enable relevant and bespoke delivery including (if required) additional support and mentoring opportunities.


‘The Level 5/6 qualifications are already giving generalist teachers the chance to specialise on the job... That’s great news.’ Former Children & Families Minister, Edward Timpson at the afPE National Conference


Why Participate and What are the Benefits?


  • Guaranteed to further enhance delegates’ confidence, competence and PE subject knowledge

  • The qualifications will be an effective use of the primary physical education and school sport premium funding in addressing the goals of continuous professional development and high-quality sustainable impact aligned to teaching and learning. All costs (including any supply cover) are fundable via this ringfenced grant for schools.

  • The course will utilise regional expertise so as to enable relevant and bespoke delivery including (if required) additional support and mentoring opportunities.


Entry Requirements


This course is for education professionals who have already completed the Level 5 award. Delegates who haven’t completed the level 5 certificate in PE specialism, or who do not carry QTS, can still access this course as a CPD opportunity whereupon a reference will be provided on the basis of successful completion.


Course Content


The guided tutor days are intentionally spread out across both Spring and Summer terms with modules and associative time-manageable delegate tasks focussing upon:


•      Evaluating physical education provision

•      Effective creation; delivery and appraisal of audit provision

•      Designing, leading and evaluating a targeted strategy for primary school PE

•      Appraising tools

•      Communicating outcomes and recommended strategies to the wider school community

•      Deeper coverage of the characteristics of effective leadership




Course assessment will be conducted via formal written assignments, group-based tasks and group discussion. During the course, the delegate will also be required to organise 2 meetings with a senior leader within their own school to discuss their leadership of physical education.



Course Tutor


  • Giles Platt (Regional Primary PE & PSHE Advisor / Accredited Leadership Skills Foundation Tutor / 

                    Qualified Grant Writer)


Duration of Course


Level 6 – 38 hours which includes 18 tutored hours delivered across three Tutor Days and 20 independent learning hours, including course related teaching and the completion of individual learning tasks

Please note that there are delegate tasks to complete that include several manageable formal written assignments - schools can utilise PESS Premium funding to enable any required additional release time including supply cover costs, to access personal study time. The completed portfolio of evidence can then be employed as a whole school staff PE CPD resource base including self-audit tool, that in turn demonstrates outstanding practice regarding sustainable impact related to subject leader management and further enhancement of teaching and learning practice.




The Level 6 course will cost £500 per delegate with limited places available. Aside to the training days delivered, the cost includes tutor email/phone access outside of these dates coupled with an optional on-site 1: 1 day visit by myself at your workplace as further personalised assistance. Full access to website resources is also included. Please complete the separate, attached application form to register your place.


All costs, including staff supply cover, can be covered by your school’s Primary PE & Sports Premium.


Level 6 Tutor Course Dates (2023-24)


  1. Monday 26th February 2024 (remote virtual delivery via Microsoft Teams)

  2. Monday 25th March 2024 (remote virtual delivery via Microsoft Teams)

  3. Monday 15th July 2024 (onsite at Southborough Primary School)

        (9.00am start - finish time no later than 3.00pm with refreshment breaks



Delivery Of Course


The delivery of the course will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams for Tutor Day 1 & 2 with Tutor Day 3 taking place at accredited course centre, Southborough Primary School, Petts Wood, Kent BR2 8AA. (rail and bus transport links easily available with the school situated nearby)


BACK-UP Tutor Days will be administered via Microsoft Teams (where appropriate) supported by distribution of resource materials as well as additional 1:1 remote contact whenever needed.   Microsoft Teams is a free application enabling you to join a dedicated group as a guest. Please get in contact if you perceive platform access becoming an issue otherwise please ensure that you register with the email address that will work with teams (i.e. work or personal depending on school use of the platform)  Link: 



For further information of the Level 6 Professional Vocation Qualification: Primary School Physical Education Specialism & Subject Leadership, please refer to:



Course Terms and Conditions


Please study carefully:


  • The closing date for the receipt of application booking forms via post or email is 22nd  February 2024 (6pm latest)

  • Schools will be invoiced upon receipt of booking form

  • Schools are expected to pay by no later than 30 days following submittal of invoice

  • Staff representatives are required to attend all stated tutor training dates as a statutory qualification requirement

  • Course payment is non-refundable 


For the answering of any queries, please do not hesitate to contact:


Giles Platt


(Regional Primary Schools’ PE & PSHE Advisor / Accredited Leadership Skills Foundation Tutor)

Ph: 020 8467 8017

Mob: 07980207047

Email:  and/or

Tel: 020 8467 8017
Mobile: 07980207047

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